Pensacola violence escalates. When will it get its own mayoral press conference?

Probably not the greatest photo op for the mayor. These types of press releases from Pensacola Police Department have become commonplace: Christmas Night Shooting Pensacola…

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Big Deal at the Airport

A big deal is brewing at the Pensacola International Airport. While local officials have kept the lid on the details fairly tight, it appears something…

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Spencer Gets Round 2 as CRA Head

The Community Redevelopment Agency, made up of the Pensacola City Council, selected new leaders this week. Councilman Brian Spencer was reelected as CRA chairman, while…

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Past due receivables at the Port of Pensacola continue to grow

As of November 30, the Port of Pensacola had accounts receivable totaling $506,393–with $109,935.04 that’s over 120 days and due from NWF Cold Storage. The…

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Council’s 1st COW

The Pensacola City Council will hold its first meeting today since seating four new members. It’s a full agenda, with topics including the new library…

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District 5 Town Hall

The next town-hall meeting in Mayor Ashton Hayward’s ‘Taking City Hall to the Citizens’ series will take place next week in District 5. It is…

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Hayward on Downtown, MURAC

Mayor Ashton Hayward said this morning during a windblown press conference at Pensacola’s Plaza De Luna, that the city’s downtown core was vital to the…

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Airport Director Off to Virgina

The director of the Pensacola International Airport will be leaving soon for a job in Virginia. The city of Pensacola—which owns the airport—released a statement…

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Outgoing Council Members Recognized

Prior to swearing in new Pensacola City Council members yesterday, outgoing members were honored. Each was given a framed resolution in recognition of their service…

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Councilwoman Myers and her Fresh Start memo

Before the Pensacola City Council voted yesterday on its new president and vice-president, Councilwoman Sherri Myers handed out a memo entitled “Time for a Fresh…

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Wu, Canada-Wynn to Lead Council into Future

After swearing in four new members, the new incarnation of the Pensacola City Council elected its most senior member to lead it for the next…

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District 4 Town Hall notes, plus a poem

Mayor Ashton Hayward was in East Hill last night to answer questions about RESTORE Act money and address other concerns from District 4 residents as…

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