Jerralds has slight lead over Wingate, less than 100 votes

For Pensacola City Council, incumbent John Jeralds has a slight lead in the early voting over Gerald Wingate: John Jerralds 942 to Gerald C. Wingate…

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DIB on MURAC Report

The Downtown Improvement Board is embarking on a search for a new permanent executive director. When the board began discussing the recently released report from…

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Councilman Pays for Party

Gallery Night will run until midnight. At least this month. During this morning’s Downtown Improvement Board meeting, Pensacola City Councilman Brian Spencer ponied up $2,500…

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John Jerralds uses megaphone to get votes for Hugh King and himself

City Councilman John Jeralds has parked his jeep at Macedonia Baptist Church and is using a megaphone to shout at voters. He is soliciting votes…

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DIB to Discuss Gallery Night, MURAC

The Downtown Improvement Board may be having some meaty conversation during its meeting tomorrow morning. The agenda includes a discussion on Gallery Night logistics, as…

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Third Party Mystery, or Larkin’s Leftover Leak

Last week, Rob Larkin, Esq., a Tallahassee attorney handling the contract negotiations between the city of Pensacola and local police union, said a city councilman…

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City Council to Look at Libraries

The Pensacola City Council has scheduled a Special Committee of the Whole meeting. The subject of the meeting is the West Florida Public Library’s budget…

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MURAC’s Final Plan

The Mayor’s Urban Redevelopment Advisory Committee has been at work since February. Today it approved its final report, a document chock-full of recommendations concerning downtown…

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Treading Uncharted Waters

By Jeremy Morrison… Members of the Pensacola City Council have some questions following the local police union’s request to investigate Mayor Ashton Hayward following an…

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Final Urban Advisory Committee Meeting

The Mayor’s Urban Redevelopment Advisory Committee will hold its final meeting tomorrow. Since February, the group has met in an effort to draw up a…

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Mayor’s Gallery Night Statement

The mayor issued the following statement today, following the local police union’s request last week that the Pensacola City Council investigate him for misuse of…

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Hayward pushes EDATE renewal

On Nov. 6, Pensacola voters will be asked to renew the Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption. Mayor Ashton Hayward has sent out this viewpoint…

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