ECUA, District 3 Race

The ECUA, District 3 race is packed with four Democrats. In the August primary, voters will decide between incumbent Elvin McCorvey and challengers Calvin Avant,…

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Busy Week for CMPA

The Community Maritime Park Association has an active week ahead. CMPA Chairman Collier Merrill will meet with city officials and Quint Studer on Tuesday regarding…

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Reconnect Redo Undone?

By Jeremy Morrison… Citizens will have one more opportunity tomorrow night to weigh in on plans for the city of Pensacola’s historic district and, more…

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Council Tables Budget

Pensacola City Council’s two-day budget session ended last night with a sudden swerve to the side of the road. The engine was overheating and all…

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Budget Workshop, Day 1

The Pensacola City Council began pouring over Mayor Ashton Hayward’s proposed budget today in the first of two—possibly three—workshops this week. They listened to hours…

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City Budget Workshops

In a series of workshops next week, the Pensacola City Council will dive into the Fiscal Year 2013 Proposed Budget. Mayor Ashton Hayward delivered his…

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Studer, Hayward and the Negotiation Blues

Quint Studer is hoping to construct a $12 million dollar office complex on a parcel at the Community Maritime Park. And while officials with the…

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ECUA, District 5

There are three ECUA, District 5 candidates looking for votes in the August primary election. Incumbent Larry Walker will go up against challengers Barry Tweedie…

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Crime and the City

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has map that graphically shows what crimes have been committed and where in the county. The westside of the City…

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Loco for the Logo

The city has a new brand. A brand new brand. Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced the city’s new brand today at the Saenger Theater downtown….

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Hatching the Rewrite, or Something to Cluck About

During a recent trip to Key West, Pensacola City Councilman Larry Johnson discovered the island had a large chicken population. When he went out for…

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Golf Carts and Chickens

Pensacola residents may soon be able to drive their golf carts down streets lined with backyard chicken coops. These are among the issues the Pensacola…

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