Weekend Review

Our reporter Jeremy Morrison had one heck of week covering local government: Pink Slime Time Asmar, the Union and the “Third Party” EBO Report: ‘Fluff…

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Reconnect Disconnect, Part Two

After informing members of the public of “our come to peace moment last meeting,” the regional  planner explained that the city of Pensacola’s second public…

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EBO Report: ‘Fluff and Stuff’

Members of the Community Maritime Park Associates’ Equal Business Opportunity Committee met last night to digest the final report concerning minority participation in the park…

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And what about the Police Pension

Ten years ago, the city’s contribution to the Police Pension plan was a whopping $126,396. In this current fiscal year, it’s $4,004,489! If the police…

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What do the city pension plans cost its residents

In 2000, the City of Pensacola had 56,255 residents and its total contribution to its fire, police and general pension plans was $2,479,380 —or $44.10…

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Pensacola to rebrand itself

Following the re-brand of the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce to the Greater Pensacola Chamber, Mayor Ashton Hayward will unveil the city of Pensacola’s…

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Final EBO Report

The Community Maritime Park Associates’ Equal Business Opportunity Committee will hear a final report tonight concerning the Equal Business Opportunity Program. The program was an…

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City of Pensacola has a pension problem

Our paper has been writing the about the city’s pension problem since 2008. The City of Pensacola can not afford the current pension plans offered…

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Mean Streets of Pensacola

Quint Studer, co-owner of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos and founder of the Studer Group, stopped by the office this morning. We talked about the Memorandum…

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Farnborough International Air show means something this year

Mayor Ashton Hayward and the Greater Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce are in England for the biggest aerospace event in the world. This isn’t the…

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Reconnect Disconnect

By Jeremy Morrison… Today’s meeting at Pensacola City Hall was billed as a Complete Streets Workshop, but the primary issue on everyone’s mind was much…

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The Yogi and the Brewer

Both businesses on the southwest corner of Seville Square offer customers relaxation. The current mood in this nook of Pensacola’s historic district, however, is anything…

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