CMPA executive director applies for Ft. Walton Beach city manager job

Ed Spears, executive director of the Community Maritime Park Associates (CMPA), is among the 33 people who have applied to be the city manager of…

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Government St.-Reconnect Public Meeting

The city of Pensacola tomorrow will host the first in a series of meetings to discuss the reconnection of East Government Street. The public meetings…

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Rubio’s Right-Wing Dimples

Back by the Science-Fiction section, at the end of the line, he was being referred to as “very visionary,” “very sincere” and “very  smart.” At…

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Job Fair for the Homeless

Local churches helping out the homeless community is nothing new. But Heirs of the Kingdom, a Pensacola church, is taking it to another level. The…

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Council Executive Search 3.0

The search has entered another phase. With two candidates over the past year having declined the position, the Pensacola City Council decided today to look…

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Council Executive (Redo, Again)

The Pensacola City Council will take another shot at hiring a council executive this afternoon. The board is holding a special meeting today to tackle…

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How Chattanooga Partied to Way to a Better City

Walter Cronkite called Chattanooga, Tennessee, the “dirtiest city in America” in 1969. For 30 years, the city struggled with how to literally clean up its…

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Park Receives Stormwater Award

The city of Pensacola’s Admiral Mason Park recently received the Florida Stormwater Association 2012 Project Excellence Award. The association presents the award annually to stormwater…

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Hayward expands city limits

Press Release: Council approves thirty annexation requests submitted by Hayward… The Pensacola City Council recently approved, by unanimous vote, thirty requests for voluntary annexation submitted…

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The Coal Ash Question

Two years ago this week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed federal standards for coal ash, the byproduct of burning coal. That proposal never went…

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Candyman Comes to Town

Majestic Candies Company is coming to town. The arrival has just been pushed back a bit. “We’re not on schedule for July, unfortunately,” said Majestic’s…

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One more down: City and Fire Union agree, only police remaining

Press Release: City, fire union tentatively agree on new contract The City of Pensacola and International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local 707 have reached…

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