Pensacola downtown gets kudos from NY Times

The article is titled “Cola Buzz:” Pensacola is the first stop on what some disparagingly call “the Redneck Riviera.” But a few miles inland from…

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Col. Bill responds

Mayor’s Office press release: Statement from Pensacola City Administrator Bill Reynolds: “At a meeting this afternoon as part of the permitting process for Occupy Pensacola…

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Occupy responds to permit requirement

Occupy Pensacola Press Release: Occupy Pensacola Set Up for Political Posturing Pensacola, Florida November 16, 2011 – Representatives from Occupy Pensacola entered the meeting today…

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Occupy to Fall at City Hall?

As cities across the country crack down on the Occupy Wall Street movement, local officials will meet today with Occupiers encamped on the lawn at…

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BP Sticks Around (Sort of)

The man at BP’s claim’s facility Tuesday night couldn’t speculate about the decision to keep the doors open. He could only provide a freshly printed…

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Occupy Pensacola complains of meeting ambush

OP Press Release, November 15, 2011 – Representatives from Occupy Pensacola will be meeting with city officials to discuss the status of Occupy Pensacola’s future…

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Lunch with Malcolm

Tying community-involvement with students to their success in school—and life— Escambia County School District Superintendent Malcolm Thomas challenged people to become actively involved with youth….

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Nomination Breakdown

Nominations are in for Pensacola City Council’s next leadership. Council members have thrown each other’s names into a hat and will choose a new president…

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The Man’s Big Brother

Kids that stay out too late may soon have to answer to their parents and Big Brother. Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds seemed nearly giddy…

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Buzz: Little political support for curfew

Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds has been pushing for a teen curfew since last spring. After nearly six months of preaching its virtues, Jerralds has…

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Limbo for Occupy

Occupy Pensacola now sits in an undefined limbo. But it seems limbo’s time may be limber. After camping on the lawn at Pensacola City Hall…

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ESP to Host CNG Workshop

Pensacola officials will join other natural-gas players for a workshop in Miramar Beach in December. The event will focus on transitioning commercial fleets to run…

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