Buzz: Council passed budget

The word I got late last night was the Pensacola City Council passed yesterday Mayor Ashton Hayward’s budget without amendments. There still is one more…

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ESP rate could unravel budget

The proposed rate increases for Energy Services of Pensacola appear to be the biggest trouble spot for Mayor Ashton Hayward in getting his budget passed….

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Five hour-plus council meeting fails to make daily

I really don’t know exactly when the Pensacola City Council meeting stopped meeting. At 8 pm the group was still discussing. The daily newspaper had…

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Archeological artifacts uncovered after BP spill

Public Radio International reported yesterday that after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, archaeologists are finding artifacts that shed new light on the Native American tribes…

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Pensacola City Council to vote on council exec

The Pensacola City Council meets today as its Committee of the Whole. An hour has been allotted on the agenda for the Council Executive position….

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Firefighters’ Union supports Hayward budget

Press Release: The Pensacola Professional Firefighters support Mayor Hayward and his budget as presented to the Pensacola City Council.  Both the Mayor and his union…

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Spencer: ‘Let my council go’

Pensacola City Councilman Brian Spencer has earned a nickname around town after his exodus from Thursday’s budget workshop: “Moses” for trying to lead the city…

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Is Pensacola Fire Department top heavy?

Council President Maren Deweese wants to bring back the fire rescue units. If her facts hold up, she has a compelling case. If the rest…

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What I missed of the City Council workshop

PNJ’s Jamie Page had to sit through the entire Pensacola City Council workshop. In reading his article, “Council members leave budget meeting over bickering,” my…

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Another abandoned school eyesore

This is the one that you have seen for decades from I-110 Southbound. The building was once a school (J. Lee Pickens School), then the…

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CMPA Board approves audit of ‘soft’ costs

Kudos to Councilman Larry Johnson for pressing for a special audit into the Maritime Park expenditures. The citizens have a right to understand how nearly…

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Mayor Hayward responds to City Council

Mayor Ashton Hayward responded Tuesday afternoon to all the information requests from the City Council members. Not surprisingly, he rejected Council member Sherri Myers’ budget…

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