Look for hogs at CMPA trough

The daily newspaper’s story on the cost overruns points out that the Community Maritime Park expenditures need to be investigated by independent auditors–without ties to…

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Mayor asked council for budget requests in March

The impression one might have gotten from the Pensacola City Council workshops on the FY 2012 budget is that the council members had little or…

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Dueling Budget Memos

Council President Maren Deweese sent to the Pensacola City Council her own memo on how she wants the remaining FY 2012 budget process to be…

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Hayward’s memo to city council

Mayor Ashton Hayward sent yesterday a memo to the Pensacola City Council regarding the FY 2012 Budget. He has directed City Staff to take under…

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Hayward: ‘My Budget Stands’

I spoke with Mayor Ashton Hayward last night. He made it clear that he has no plans to change the city budget that he presented…

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Pensacola City Council confusion

There appears to be some confusion over the city budget process. The mayor doesn’t work for the Pensacola City Council. He isn’t required to change…

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Light coverage of Budget marathon today

You will have to follow the Pensacola City Council workshop on you own. I will have watch the video later. My day is filled with…

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City budget workshop marathon continues today

If the Council President doesn’t change the agenda, slated for discussion are Airport, Port, City Attorney, CRA, Neighborhood Services, MIS, Police, Fire, Public Works and…

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Myers announces ‘deal-breaker’

Council member Sherri Myers announced within the first 20 minutes of today’s budget workshop that she will not vote for any utility rate increases for…

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Mayor’s Cabinet challenged

As I predicted, the mayor’s establishment of a cabinet was challenged this morning. Council member Megan Pratt said she saw the positions to be similar…

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DOT to Fund $250,000 in Bayfront Beautification

Press Release: At a joint appearance today in Pensacola, Mayor Ashton Hayward, Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Ananth Prasad, and District Three DOT Secretary Tommy…

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City Budget Workshop

The city budget workshops begin this morning at 9 a.m. and will run throughout the day. First up will Mayor’s Chief of Staff John Asmar…

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