Charles Bare offers City Residents’ Bill of Rights

Bare Administration City Residents’ Bill of Rights When doing business with the City of Pensacola, residents are entitled to prompt, efficient and easily accessible services…

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Diane Mack’s Vision Statement and Campaign Platform

We published Ashton Hayward’s plan in the Buzz last week. Here is Diane Mack’s platform: Pensacola 2011-2014 Diane Mack for Mayor Vision Statement & Campaign…

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Who will be Pensacola’s next mayor?

You have read the daily newspaper’s cover stories on the mayoral candidates. Hopefully you’ve attended one of the public forums on the race. By now,…

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Hayward’s 20

Pensacola Mayoral Candidate Ashton Hayward released a “20 Actions For 2011” list this week. The list is broken into four categories: Creating jobs, restoring trust,…

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Mack comments on petition drive

COMMENTARY ON THE PETITION DRIVE Diane Mack City Councilwoman 7/14/10 Imagine you are the president of a technology company and that you are planning to…

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How to revoke petition signature

If you signed the Donovan/Nobles petition on design-build contract for the maritime park and you weren’t told that the referendum will cost the city nearly…

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Hayward Leads In Finances

According to the Ashton Hayward for Mayor camp, the candidate leads in finances as of July 16. Press Release: Pensacola Mayor candidate Ashton Hayward filed his…

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Mayor’s Forum

Press Release: The Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce has been hosting a series of candidate forums throughout July 2010 which have been moderated by…

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Robo Luke called City Hall, too

This is starting to be funny. Calls to government office, county residents, IN staffers….they should have bought a better call list. Expect soon a viewpoint…

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Donovan/Nobles referendum can’t stop the stadium

City Attorney Rusty Wells has analyzed the petition drive by Marty Donovan and Jack Nobles and has issued his opinion to the Mayor and Pensacola…

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African Chamber Issue Held Off

After a lengthy discussion, City Council decided to fund roughly $205,000 for economic development for the 2010-2011 fiscal year, but made no promises as to…

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How does Nobles/Donovan petition stop the stadium?

That is the question I would like answered. The petition is on the Pensacola City Council vote approving the Design-Build contract with Magi Construction, which…

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