Presser Notes: Monuments, settlements and more

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly While much of the city still seemed sleepy and snug in the fog of the holidays, the weekly press conference at…

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Transition Team Schedule

The City of Pensacola Mayoral Transition Team meeting on Thursday, Jan. 3, beginning at 10 a.m. until noon in the Hagler Mason Conference Room, Second…

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Transition team looks at ‘holes’ in public safety

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly –Pensacola citizens had the opportunity Saturday, Dec. 29 to let the city’s administration know their thoughts concerning the community’s public safety….

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80 City staff have severance packages

The standard severance pay for employees is two-weeks salary but apparently not so at Pensacola City Hall since 2010. During the Q&A period of his…

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City Attorney transition process

Inweekly asked Mayor Grover Robinson to explain the process for the transition of city attorney position from Lysia Bowling to Susan Woolf. He said that…

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Mayor optimistic about Project Titan

Mayor Grover Robinson remains optimistic about Project Titan, the code name given to the building of three more hangars to create a MRO (maintenance, repair…

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Walkability attendee hit by car

By Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly –A Pensacola woman was hit by a car Wednesday night as she walked home from a community forum addressing the city’s…

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Cyclists offer recommendations to City

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly –There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the need to make Pensacola, particularly  areas near the urban core,…

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Woolf selected city attorney

Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson has selected an experienced attorney to be his nominee for city attorney, Susan Woolf.   Woolf served as assistant city attorney from…

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A Port Niche and Other Items

by Jeremy Morrison Mayor Grover Robinson had a good bit to say about a number of things during his weekly press conference Monday. He spoke…

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City takes on skatepark

By Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly The skatepark planned for downtown is now under the purview of the city of Pensacola. Despite voicing reservations about some lacking…

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Transition sets timeline

by Jeremy Morrison, Inweekly –A couple of themes emerged out of Thursday’s meeting of Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson’s transition team. One, was the overlapping nature…

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