Gulf Power rate hike goes before board today

The Public Service Commission will consider today approving Gulf Power Co.’s interim rate hike request of $38.5 million. The request is part of a $93.5…

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Scott appointee had to drop lawsuit against state

Miami Herald reports that Tom Grady had to withdraw from a million dollar lawsuit against the State Board of Administration before he could be appointed…

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GOP hopeful Perry’s record

ProPublica has the best reading on Texas Gov. Rick Perry to help you cut through the horse-race coverage and get oriented. Read here.

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Scott’s transition team emails missing

Miami Herald report the email accounts of Rick Scott and most of the governor-elect’s transition team were deleted soon after he took office, potentially erasing…

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Murdoch scandal grows

The Daily Beast: Clive Goodman was called a ‘rogue’ hacker at News of the World, but in a newly revealed letter he says the paper’s…

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Emails on Libyan rebellion

Libyan rebels continue to fight to close in on Tripoli and overthrow Gaddafi. A friend shared these emails with me. They are from an Libyan…

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$1.0 billion in new lending for small businesses

Press release: Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson announced the approval of Florida’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)…

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Searcy named Gubernatorial Fellow

Press Release: Governor Rick Scott today announced the members of the seventh class of the Gubernatorial Fellowship Program. Students participating in the program will gain…

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Iowa Caucus: You have to be kidding

There were fewer votes cast (16,892) in the Iowa GOP caucus than the 2010 Pensacola Mayoral election. Here are the official results from the Iowa…

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Iowa GOP debate recap

NBC gives this analysis of the GOP presidential debate at the Iowa State Fair: “t wasn’t a good night for the entire Republican Party, especially…

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Bondi under fire

Miami Herald reports that Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is facing a management crisis replete with allegations of old-fashioned political interference in cases and a…

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Florida Dems question integrity of state investigators

Press Release: State Representative Darren Soto (D-Orlando) and House Democratic Leader Ron Saunders (D-Key West) announced today their intent to file a bill to preserve…

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