Bo’s Bridge is broken

St. Pete Times zeroes in on the Garcon Point Bridge, commonly known in other parts of Florida as “Bo’s Bridge” because for Florida House Speaker…

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Enu Mianigi: Scott’s death eater

The Miami Herald is profiling the inner circle of Gov. Rick “Voldemort” Scott. In the Sunday, July 10 edition, the paper focuses on Enu Mianigi,…

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GOP buys online praise ads for Scott

The ads proclaim “Gov. Scott. Getting Florida Back to Work!” They appear on the GOP-leaning sites like According to the Herald Tribune, the Republican…

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Bondi joins in JP Morgan Chase settlement

Attorney General Bondi announced today a $92 Million Multi-State Settlement with JPMorgan Chase & Co. over Anti-competitive Scheme. What she doesn’t say is how much…

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Rick Scott’s income jumped in 2011

Miami Herald reports Gov. Rick Scott earned last year $11.5 million from investment income, interest and consulting fees—nearly 40 percent increase over the previous year,…

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Ford and Broxson sign on to co-sponsor Cayee Anthony bill

Press Release: State Representative Clay Ford (District 3) along with Representative Doug Broxson (District 1), will co-sponsor a bill—referred to as ““Caylee’s Law”— to be…

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League to honor Crist

Not everyone wants to bash former Gov. Charlie Crist. The League of Women Voters of Florida will present Crist with its “Making Democracy Work” Award…

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Infographic: who got fired by Scott, about 1662 workers

Florida Tribune: According to the Department of Management Services, 519 of the 1,662 state employees have already been placed in different positions. These layoffs represent…

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Colbert mocks Rick Scott

“I want to praise Rick Scott’s praise of Rick Scott”—Stephen Colbert…. (about at 1:50 mark) The Colbert ReportGet More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor &…

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Scott okays SunRail funding

Herald Tribune reports that Gov. Rick Scott has reversed his position on the SunRail. In February, he refused to accept $2 billion in federal funding….

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Scott says he will now talk to editorial boards

Miami Herald reports Gov. Rick Scott Bay told News 9, a Tampa Bay TV station, that he will now sit down with newspaper editorial boards—something…

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Crist bashing part of GOP debate (corrected)

You have to love how Florida Republicans debate. They have to find someone to bash so that they can deflect any attention on their personal…

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