Gov. Scott accused of intentionally lying or malfeasance

St. Pete Times reports some Republican lawmakers are upset with how Gov. Rick Scott rejected the $2 billion in federal funding for the proposed high-speed…

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State Roundup: May 8

The state daily newspapers tackle the legislative session that just ended. State Rep. Clay Ford may win the “Invisible Man” award again. We know about…

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More autism than we thought

CNN: Researchers believe the number of children who have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is much higher than previously believed, according to a new study…

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Reporter talks of rape in Tahrir Square

CBS reporter Lara Logan talked on “60 Minutes” last night about what really happened to her in Cairo’s Tahrir Square as the dictatorship of Hosni…

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President Obama’s speech to 101st Airborne Division

The White House has released the text of President Obama’s speech to the troops at Fort Campbell, Ky.: Hello, Fort Campbell! 101st Airborne Division–Air Assault,…

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State Legislature has political meltdown

Miami Herald reports that the Florida Legislature had a meltdown with the House and Senate rank-and-file revolting from their leadership and voting down conference bills….

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Al Qaeda confirms bin Laden is dead

While the GOP and Fox News need to see the death photos, Al Qaeda doesn’t and has confirmed Osama Bin Laden is dead, according to…

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Those crazy Republican lawmakers

The Republicans in Tallahassee are on such a power high that they are passing bills on the data that is 10 years old. HB 353…

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Viewpoint: Fed Reserve Chairman is real Public Enemy No. 1

From Trends analyst Gerald Celente: From the fans at Citi Field in Flushing to the mobs at the White House gates, “USA, USA,” was the…

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New Hampshire Poll Shows Romney ahead

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is a clear front-runner in New Hampshire, while low favorability ratings from Granite State voters have left Donald Trump back…

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Photo for the ages

President Barack Obama and his staff watching the Osama Bin Laden raid: Read CNN article.

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St. Pete Times’ take on state budget

What do we get for $68 billion? Hospitals statewide face a $510 million cut, or 12 percent, in Medicaid reimbursements—which will hurt Sacred Heart significantly….

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