Birthers become deathers

Got this email this morning: I don’t know about you. But I’m asking “Where’s the beef?” How come they allegedly disposed of Osama’s body at…

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Fairhope to get Pulitzer hotel and library

Press Release: Mac Pulitzer, great-grandson of Pulitzer Prize founder Joseph Pulitzer and son of New York Times best-selling author Roxanne Pulitzer, is moving to the…

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Bin Laden dead

Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attack on U.S., was killed by an American forces yesterday. New York Times: Bin Laden Is Dead…

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Just like Congress?

Washington Post Fact Checker writes Republican lawmakers like House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) stretched the truth in saying their plan will give Americans…

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State Newspaper Roundup: May 1

Sun Sentinel gives rundown on what our state legislature will do this week. Public schools will get 7.9 percent budget cut. Bright Futures will be…

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GOP has defections in fight against unions

NY Times reports that Florida legislators on the Republican side of the aisle are feeling the pressure from the fire and police unions. By some…

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Relentless smear campaign against Obama

Washington Post columnist Colbert King writes about FOX NEWS attacked President Obama for not recognizing Easter Day with an official proclamation —even thought the prior…

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Wonkette: New anti-Obama conspiracy

Michele Obama has three hands. See photo.    

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Low point of American politics

New York Times: People are out of work, American soldiers are dying overseas and President Obama is pressured to show his birth certificate. The NYT…

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Senate Continues Campaign Against Voters

Press release issued jointly by Florida PIRG, AFL-CIO of Florida, the League of Women Voters of Florida and ACLU of Florida: With less than two…

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CNN: No doubt Obama born in Hawaii

CNN has completed its investigation into the birth certificate of Barack Obama. Conclusion: He was born in Hawaii. Dr. Chiyome Fukino, former director of the…

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GOP leaders squabble over state budget

Sen. J.D. Alexander, Florida Senate’s budget chairman, is fighting with House Speaker Dean Cannon and Senate President Mike Haridopolos over the state budget. St. Pete…

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