The recent release of classified documents on Guantanamo Bay detention center have provided insights into how the facility was run, the prisoners held there and…

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Florida lags in dental care for children

Sun-Sentinel reports: A recent study by the Pew Center for the States found that only 23.5 percent of Medicaid-enrolled children, age 18 and under, received…

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National news cheat sheet

NY Times viewpoint worth reading: “Human trafficking is more similar in America and Cambodia than we would like to admit. Teenage girls on American streets…

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State newspaper round-up

Sarasota Herald Tribune: Gov. Rick Scott has secretly pushed to kill Citizens Property Insurance before his first term ends. Read more. St. Pete Times: Despite…

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Bare knuckles payback

St. Pete Times writes about how GOP lawmakers are taking advantage of their political clout to weaken the Democrats in future elections. “It is bare-knuckle…

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House passes elections bill

Despite no reports of election fraud, Florida House Republicans have strong-armed an elections bill through the House. Read how they are mucking up a good…

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Mayor has sheriff investigate city cops

Mayor Teresa Zemaitis had been frustrated by the Kenneth City Town Council’s refusal to listen to her complaints about problems in the Police Department. She…

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Scarborough makes Time’s Most Influential List

Joe Scarborough, former Congressman, editor/publisher of the old Florida Sun and host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, made Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the world….

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Repairing Gov. Scott’s image

The St. Pete Times writes about Gov. Rick Scott working on repairing his public image. My youngest calls him “Gov. Voldemort” so he has a…

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Online poker may be gone for good

Miami Herald: Millions of gamblers are wondering if the money stored in shut down online accounts — in some cases tens of thousands of dollars…

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Memos show BP and others linked to Iraq invasion

The rumor has been from day one that the invasion of Iraq was about oil and gaining control to the country oil reserves. The Independent…

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Opponents speak out against proposed election changes

Press release: A massive rewrite of Florida’s elections laws to be debated today in the Florida House of Representatives is drawing harsh criticism from nonpartisan…

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