Somebody misses online poker

Dear Editor, The US Department of Justice showed their true colors last week, and the colors are not red, white and blue. The US Attorney…

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Giving Back to our Military Families

From Labor Secretary Hilda Solis: “There’s no question: service members and their spouses make incredible sacrifices for all of us. Supporting their families and harnessing…

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Goodin passed over for FDOT

. Daily News reports Gov. Rick Scott on Monday named Ananth Prasad as the new secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation. Prasad was one…

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The Daily Beast picks up story

I spent much of my weekend working on stories for The Daily Beast. The first article was published this morning: “The Gulf of Mexico’s Seafood…

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Drill, baby, drill makes a comeback

St. Pete Times: In the year since the giant oil spill, political tides and public opinion seem to have shifted. One poll suggests growing support…

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GOP governors and lawmakers cut environmental protections

NY Times: Maine Gov. Paul LePage wants to open up three million acres of the North Woods for development. Florida Gov. Rick Scott has proposed…

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State round-up

Two news stories from the Florida newspapers grabbed my attention this morning: Miami Herald has an excellent series on the Bay of Pigs (not Little…

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Feds halt online poker

LA Times reports The three largest online poker companies, PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker, were shut down Friday by the FBI. Eleven executives…

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Busting Tax Myths

The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies (AAN) member papers are doing what they do best: providing an antidote to the myths that the mainstream media, local…

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Scott lawyer: My facts were wrong

St. Pete Times’ political blog, The Buzz, reports that Gov. Rick Scott’s attorney misstated to the Florida Supreme Court that the state had spent $110…

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State reps cut pay by 15 percent

The Birmingham News reports that  54 Republican members of the Alabama House of Representatives agreed to cut their monthly expense allowance, which makes up 94…

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Florida Poll Shows Romney Beats Obama, Joe S. has shot at U.S. Senate

Press release from Suffolk University: Florida Poll Shows Romney Beats Obama: Recession Not Over in Florida. Gov. Rick Scott wildly unpopular after first 100 days….

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