Is Sarah Palin a has-been?

This Week reports one-time Tea Party queen has seen her stock fall rapidly over the last few months. Last week, NBC and The Wall Street…

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NYT: Why no prep walks after financial crisis?

The New York Times: Several years after the financial crisis, which was caused in large part by reckless lending and excessive risk taking by major…

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Citizens has $1.5 billion surplus

Recent financial statements show the state-owned Citizens Property Insurance, has enough money to withstand a replay of the 2004 and 2005 storms without triggering the…

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Scott reluctant to go after BP

St. Pete Times: Gov. Rick Scott’s reluctance to make a legal claim against BP irks a cast of Floridians, including Tampa attorney Steve Yerrid, who…

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State GOP raises $4.9 million in three months

The Republican Party of Florida raised in the first quarter of 2011 four times more than the Florida Democratic Party and over $1 million more…

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America’s 20 Most Miserable Cities

Thank God, Pensacola didn’t make this list published by Forbes. Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, Miami and West Palm Beach shared in the dubious distinction. Read more.

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Guy Says He Owns 50% Of Facebook

From Business Insider: Paul Ceglia is the man who sued Mark Zuckerberg last July, claiming that, way back in 2003, Zuckerberg had agreed to give…

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St. Pete Times: Scott-O-Meter

PolitiFact Florida has compiled promises that Rick Scott made during the 2010 campaign and is tracking their progress on its Scott-O-Meter. The St. Pete Times…

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Two stories from Sunday

These two stories of corruption in local government caught my eye. The first one is by the Miami Herald “Robaina at center of Hialeah’s ‘shadow…

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Gov. Scott’s Twitter war

Orlando Sentinel has an AP story on the Twitter battles between governor’s office and capitol press corps. Read more.

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Brownsville sale not on agenda, third consecutive month

The sale of Brownsville Middle School failed to make the April agenda for the Escambia County School Board. In January, George Hawthorne and Superintendent Malcolm…

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Ingram fights for manure, not ARC

While ARC Gateway Pensacola is laying off staff and eliminating in-home support, day care and supported living services. State Rep. Clay Ingram’s fertilizer bill, HB…

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