Floridians disapprove of Scott, 4-1

“Today, Scott is a four-letter word to many Florida voters, but political popularity can change with time,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the…

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LeMieux to run for U.S. Senate

Former U.S. Sen. George LeMieux, who served for 16 months after he was appointed to finish the term of Mel Martinez, announced this morning that…

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“Merit” pay could be based on flawed system

Florida Tribune: Florida’s new performance pay law would put in place a evaluation system that has been questioned nationally. The teacher evaluation portion of the…

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Wachovia laundered money for Mexican drug cartel

Something you won’t find in the local daily today: The Observer reported in its Sunday edition that Wachovia Bank laundered billions of dollars for the…

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GOP continues to mix God and Politics

New York Times: Revitalizing the Religious Right was the agenda for a special meeting held in Iowa last month. The program, sponsored by the Iowa…

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State Roundup: Sunday editions

Miami Herald: Florida Republicans are on pace to dismantle regulations, cut jobs and adopt significant changes to Medicaid and abortion rights — because they have…

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Rubio in the limelight

Florida’s junior U.S. senator, Marco Rubio, is taking led on the federal debt debate. According to the New York Times, in the space of 24…

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Rhee strikes back at USA Today

Taking a lesson from Jeff Bergosh, former chancellor of D.C. schools Michelle Rhee says USA TODAY’s investigation of erasures found on standarized tests is an…

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House bill wipes out most consumer protections

The Florida House leadership, of course, has a different, grander purpose for its vast deregulation bill, HB 5005. They say they are after “Job-killing regulations.”…

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Scott pays his dept. heads more

Austerity, pay cuts and sacrifice don’t apply to Gov. Rick Scott’s new agency heads who are earning $20,000 more than their predecessors. Read Florida Tribune.

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Manslaughter charges considered for BP managers

The Guardian is reporting that BP executives, including ex-chief executive Tony Hayward, may be charged by US authorities over the lost of lives caused by…

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Scott and lawmakers set to put growth in local hands

The Florida legislature doesn’t want local governments regulating fertilizer (Rep. Clay “Cow Patty” Ingram) or shooting rangers (Sen. Greg “Lock & Load” Evers). However, the…

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