Truth about state pensions

Gov. Rick Scott wants the public to believe that teachers, law enforcement, firefighters and other public employees are getting rich off their pension benefits. The…

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D.C. teacher evaluation system

Washington Post: The District of Columbia’s new teacher evaluation system, IMPACT, is becoming a national model. Master educators observe, critique and evaluate teachers. Read more.

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Senate proposes to suspend prepaid tuition

First it was reducing Bright Future scholarships. Now it’s the highly successful Florida Prepaid College program. What do Republicans have against college education? Read more.

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Scott launches ugly website

It’s almost as bad as gulf1….not quite, but very close. Gov. Rick Scott brags he will give all the pension figures for state employees, but…

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Nine more dead dolphins found

Mobile Press Register reports: Nine more dolphin carcasses have been recovered in Alabama and Mississippi since Saturday, bringing the total for the two states to…

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Some GOP still fear ACORN, which doesn’t exist

According to the latest survey by Public Policy Polling: In November of 2009, 52 percent of Republicans thought ACORN had stolen the election for Barack…

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Palin’s popularity slipping

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll reveals a potentially troubling sign for the former Alaska governor. Read more.

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Riding Moby Dick to Atlantis

Those are the chances that Orlando Sentinel columnist Mike Thomas gives on anyone ever riding the Sun Rail to downtown Orlando. Thomas fires off some…

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Satellite photos of Japan, before and after

From Washington Post, aerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation across the country. See photos.

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Surprise: O’Keefe NPR sting heavily edited

Quote of the Day: There are “two ways to lie,” Al Tompkins, a senior faculty member for broadcasting and online at the Poynter Institute, told…

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Elected officials do very well under Florida pensions

From Sun-Sentinel: State and local officeholders are entitled by law to special treatment that allows them to accrue benefits faster and retire with bigger payments…

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Year of the GOP Governor

From Miami Herald: Republicans now hold the governor’s office in 29 states. In addition to New Jersey’s Chris Christie, Florida’s Rick Scott, Wisconsin’s Scott Walker…

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