Alarming child death statistic

Miami Herald reports that over the past six years, 41 percent of all children who died of abuse or neglect in Florida had been the…

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State Legislature to outlaw cow photos

Florida Tribune reports that State Sen. Jim Norman, R-Tampa, wants make it a first-degree felony to photograph a farm without first obtaining written permission from…

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Gov. Scott Walker thinks Koch is on the phone

The BEAST’s Ian Murphy calls Walker, posing as archconservative moneybags David Koch, and they casually discuss crushing all public unions. Huffington Post analyzes Walker’s comments….

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Email from Libya: How can you just watch us get killed?

A friend forwarded this email from a relative in Libya that was sent Monday morning: My god, it’s getting worse! More than 60 people massacred…

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Scott unmoved by Nelson on high-speed rail

Gov. Rick Scott met briefly Monday with U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson on the high-speed rail rpoject connecting Tampa and Orlando. Scott told media that he…

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Okaloosa loses Stewart and Colbert show

Without the funding from a third $25 million grant from BP, the Okaloosa County Tourist Development Council had to scrap plans to bring in political…

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PolitiFact: Scott holds most of cards on high speed rail

While lawmakers try to figure out how to get the $2.4 billion in federal funds for the proposed high-speed rail from Tampa to Orlando, St….

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BP: Feinberg plan too generous

Mobile Press Register is reporting: BP complained in a letter to Ken Feinberg, head of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (which is headquartered in Dublin,…

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Officials work to circumvent Gov. Scott decision on high speed rail

St. Pete Times reports lawmakers question whether Gov. Scott has the authority to unilaterally cancel the Tampa-to-Orlando line by rejecting $2.4 billion in federal funding…

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Scott assumes all black legisators grew up poor

When white people, without any real experience working and living with people of other cultures and racial backgrounds, try to interact with minorities, the results…

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Race to the Top for Student Success Act

Florida Tribune reports This year’s version of a teacher merit pay bill sailed through the Senate Education Pre-K-12 Committee last week. The bill has been…

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Stephen Nodine: Battle over re-trial begins

In the Mobile Press Register, former County Commissioner Stephen Nodine’s attorney is claiming misconduct by the prosecution in the first trial of Nodine for the…

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