Rick Scott’s State of the State address

IT’S WORKING Thank you so much for being here today. I especially want to thank President of the Senate Don Gaetz and Speaker of the…

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Editorial published in Ocala newspaper’s Sunday edition

My Florida Voices column – “Florida’s prison privatization is no paradise” – was published yesterday in Ocala Star Banner in its opinion section. In his…

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Firefighters: Retirement of FL Public Employees in Jeopardy

By Stephanie Carroll Carson, Florida News Connection TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – A proposal to change the retirement benefits of public employees, such as teachers and firefighters,…

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Rep. Ingram wants to stamp out spice

Press Release: Rep. Clay Ingram (R-Pensacola) filed House Bill 619, which bans a group of synthetic cannabinoids and substitute cathinones, commonly known as “spice,” “K2”…

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Gov. Scott announces first state brand. Rejects Florida: The Upside of America

Press Release: Yesterday, Enterprise Florida (EFI) and Governor Rick Scott unveiled Florida’s first-ever business brand in front of EFI’s board of directors and key stakeholders….

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Taking Shame issue statewide with Florida Voices column. More lipstick to remove

My Florida Voices column today talks about how conservatives are looking at the wrong figures when they complain about Medicaid expansion. I figure that I…

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Scott wants to double-down on education

Gov. Rick Scott called his pay raises for teachers “a double-down” on what he claims has been a billion-dollar investment on the state’s K-12 education…

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Stafford testifies on Florida election process (testimony)

As I reported last week, Escambia Supervisor of Elections David Stafford and nine other supervisors testified yesterday about their experiences during the 2012 General Election…

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Buzz: Scott wanted Board members who pledged no tuition increases

Florida Gov. Rick Scott appointed last Thursday five members to the Board of Governors of the State University System. Our sources are telling us that…

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Another Tea Party failure: Boehner still Speaker. Darn, the angry, old white coalition is losing power

For the last couple days, the Tea Party has been bragging that it had the votes to unseat Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) as the Speaker…

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Food for guns trade worked in LA. How much chicken can you buy for a rocket launcher?

The Los Angeles Police Department offered for one day only a buyback program. Turn in a gun, get a grocery store gift card. According to…

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Quote of the Day

NY Times published today an article on the decline of the Tea Party since the 2012 General Election. Florida Senate President Don Gaetz (R-Niceville) had…

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