Army Suicides are up

A year agp, I wrote about the alarming rate of suicides among our military – “When Yellow Ribbons Aren’t Enough.” The problem hasn’t gone away….

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Florida Voices picks up another column

The statewide opinion services. Florida Voices, picked up my Outtakes column that I wrote about the issues in the poor neighborhoods are than just bad…

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Guest on Wall Street Journal TV

I’ve been asked to be a guest on WSJ TV – Opinion Journal Live at about 4:10 pm today. We will be talking about the…

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Janesville, Wisc. and Paul Ryan’s smalltown roots (video)

NY Times has a good story on Janesville, Wisconsin, hometown of Mitt Romney’s running mate Congressman Paul Ryan. It’s where Quint Studer taught school and…

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New bill for Evers from NRA: Open carry

Our State Sen. Greg Evers loves gun bills and the NRA loves Evers. The Tampa Bay Times reports Marion Hammer, executive director of the NRA’s…

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Disconnect on Rick Scott

Florida Gov. Rick Scott got a rock star’s welcome a gathering organized by the conservative RedState blog and before an audience that cheered his efforts…

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League of Women Voters out to protect voting rights

Press Release: Over the weekend, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner announced the state’s intentions to continue its systematic purging of voters from Florida’s voter…

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Rubio’s Right-Wing Dimples

Back by the Science-Fiction section, at the end of the line, he was being referred to as “very visionary,” “very sincere” and “very  smart.” At…

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Waiting for Rubio

They were camping out Monday for a chance to see him at a bookstore down south in The Villages. Now, as Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)…

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Impact of Supreme Court Decision on Women’s Health in FL

Florida News Connection: Almost one million women in Florida will gain access to health insurance as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), upheld…

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Miller issues statement on health care ruling

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL-01) issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act:   “The Supreme Court’s ruling to…

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The Coal Ash Question

Two years ago this week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed federal standards for coal ash, the byproduct of burning coal. That proposal never went…

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