Newt Gingrich Surges in the Polls

The 2012 GOP presidential race continues to change with no clear leader. Source: ABC

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Cain adds Anita Hill joke to comedy routine

It’s embarrassing what the GOP presidential field has become: Perry, Bachmann and Cain are jokes and totally unfit to hold the job. Mitt Romney and…

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Perry goes into Oops damage control

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is doing everything in his power to save his presidential campaign after his disastrous “oops” moment during Wednesday night’s debate. Having…

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Mack: Best GOP hope to beat Nelson

Congressman Connie Mack is blowing away the Republican competition and is in the best shape to best Sen. Bill Nelson, the only Democrat elected to…

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Giffords’ First Interview After Shooting

A preview of Diane Sawyer’s exclusive interview with the congresswoman. Source: ABC

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Debate recap for those who only want the Cliff-notes

If you don’t watch the candidate debates, you may not understand what’s going on in the presidential race. Politilines, by Periscopic, lets you see what…

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Obama, Romney Tied In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,

FLORIDA: Obama 42 – Romney 45 OHIO: Obama 45 – Romney 42 PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 44 – Romney 43 One year before the presidential election, President…

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Not the best defense for Herman Cain (video)

“For every woman who says I harassed them, “thousands” say I didn’t.” -Herman Cain

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Rick Perry has brain fart in debate

Texas Governor Rick Perry has a major brain fart at Wednesday night’s CNBC debate: “I will tell you, it is three agencies of government when…

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Uh… is this mic on? Take 2

Obama Taxes Christmas. And everyone in Whoville is really upset. How come his people didn’t see that one coming? Read more.

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Proposed bill would restrict local goverments’ ability to charge impact fees or collect for new schools, roads

HB 603 by Rep. Michael Weinstein, R-Orange Park, would prohibit cities and counties from applying impact fees until July 1, 2015 unless approved by a…

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Privatizing prison health care hits snags

From St. Pete Times: As Florida faces legal obstacles in its plan to turn dozens of state prisons over to a private firm, a second…

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