Rick's Blog

Century official responds to drug haven charge

From IN reporter Mari Krueger:

Drug wars have sparked a blame game in Century and Flomaton, two cities on the Florida-Alabama border.

Flomaton Mayor Dewy Bondurant blames the flow of crack cocaine and marijuana on Century. But officials in Century see the problem, too.

“Ain’t nothing too much being done,” says Marie McMurray, a member of Century City Council for 30 years. “They catch them when they can, but something needs to be done.”

She thinks the police should form a drug task force and infiltrate drug rings with plain clothes officers, but city officials can’t decide whether the drug problem is the responsibility of the city or the county.

Century is a small town, McMurray points out. Sometimes she has to stop on small roads while the drug dealers in the cars in front of her pull over and block the road to complete a sale. What used to be a smaller issue is becoming a real problem.

“I know what’s going on,” she says. “It’s been going on for I know at least 10 years, you know, just slightly then growing to be bigger and bigger. They don’t seem to bother nobody, but I live by myself and I’m kind of apprehensive about what will happen. If the drugs were cleaned up it would be fantastic.”

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