Charter school problems Jacksonville and Orlando

The Florida Times-Union reports on the abrupt closure of Acclaim Academy and other schools run by Dennis Mope.

Acclaim’s teachers are left without their June and July paychecks. Parents of 229 students have scrambled to schools to finish out the year.

Acclaim also had a charter school in Orange County that was closed. Here are the issues there:

â–  Some teachers listed as heading classes left the school and others have become assistant principals and deans. Too many substitutes were teaching classes.

■ School reading teachers weren’t qualified for the subject, the county said, possibly violating federal Title 1 poverty funding rules.

â–  The school did not employ the required instructors to serve its students with disabilities.

â–  A student who missed 51 days had changes to her records to make it appear she had attended and had passed classes for that period.

Sound familiar?

Florida Charter School system is broken. Without safeguards, bad operators are hurting the concept of school choice.