Rick's Blog

Charter Schools USA interview

On WCOA this morning, Dr. Eddie Ruiz, Charter Schools USA’s Florida state superintendent, discussed his expectations for Warrington Middle School.

Why take on the challenge of WMS?

“As I walked the halls of the school, it really reminded me of a lot of schools that I had worked at,” said Dr. Ruiz. “Number one, it looked like a school that I went to as a child. It looked like schools that we had worked through in district schools when I worked in Orlando. It looked like some of the schools early on that we had.”

He continued, “The difference that we’re able to make there and that we have made is the impetus of why we really said this is something we could do. The students deserve better, to be honest. They really deserve the best education possible, and we have seen that we’ve been able to do that. And we wanted to give the students a try and really try something different there.”

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