Children’s Trust plans to spend $15 million directly on children

The Escambia Children’s Trust will approve its FY 2022-23 Interim Strategic Plan at its board meeting this afternoon at 5:30 p.m. The plan calls for $15,031,374 on direct services, with an additional $1.67 million set aside for special projects that address unanticipated or emergency needs.

Under the healthy and ready for success themes, the strategic plan has budgeted $4,175,382 to match funds to increase family and children services in early childhood education, legal services, K-12 wrap-around services, child abuse presentation, healthcare access or family-strengthening programs.

In a separate agenda item, the staff is recommending $238,875 for the Early Learning Coalition of Escambia County “so more low-income families in need of child care can obtain and maintain employment or a postsecondary credential.” The proposal abstract doesn’t provide details of the nonprofit’s accomplishments or specific measurements for its deliverables.

The grant covers the county’s match for the Early Learning Coalition’s $36 million budget that includes nearly $9 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds. The Escambia Children’s Trust should not have to spend anything else on school readiness because the Coalition has the budget to handle it for the next two years. See Coalition Budget

The plan budgets the most money for out-of-school programs – $5,845,534. The least amount budgeted is $1,670,153 for a local provider to provide a comprehensive system for health assessments–wellness visits, mental health, immunizations, screenings for vision, hearing and speech, dental and developmental status.

Community Health Northwest Florida has an agenda item for $72,837 to complete a $646,947 match for Low-Income Pool funds from Florida Agency of Healthcare Administration to expand its mobile dental unit so that it can serve 124 additional patients. Escambia and Santa Rosa counties are providing the balance of the match needed. The $72,837 will specifically be used to repair and update the dental van. It’s the most complete request for direct services for children on the agenda.

The strategic plan has $3,340,305 budgeted for mental health support services for children and youth not diagnosed with a mental illness.