Children’s Trust staff recommends grants totaling $2.1 million

On Election Night, the Escambia Children’s Trust staff is asking the board to approve two single-source grants.

Re-Entry Alliance Pensacola – $20,000 over one year
For parent support services and kindergarten readiness programming to children at the two local homeless shelters, the Lodges and Max-Well Respite Center, that provide temporary housing for families with children to the Program Committee for consideration.

According to the three-page request, REAP will use the money for internet/computer stations at both shelters “where the children and caregivers have access to state-of-the-art computers, printers and semi-private office areas. The shelters currently have 44 children and REAP projects that their average stay will be three-six months. The funds will purchase for each shelter three computers ($499.99 ea.), two laptops ($749.9 ea.), a printer ($289.99 ea.) and office furniture and supplies. Total budget: $13,000

The remaining $7,000 will go for an early childhood development program, “Dribbles the All-knowing Cat and Friends,” developed by Troy Watts, director of the Max-Well facility.

REAP lists as its other funding sources $600,000 from the City of Pensacola’s ARPA Funds. The proposal has a letter of recommendation for the Dribbles program from Community Action, where Trust staffer Kim Krupa worked previously.

Legal Services of North Florida – $2,095,807 over three years
For legal representation to children in the dependency system and children in need of educational advocacy to the Program Committee for consideration.

The funds will help Legal Services expand its services for children. According to the proposal, Escambia County’s removal rate has been higher than the state average for six years. The county ranks five for children, ages 5-11, experiencing child abuse and faces significantly more moves and placements over the course of 1,000 days. Escambia ranks 14th out of Florida’s 67 counties with the number of domestic violence reports.

The grant will help Legal Services provide legal representation to 70 additional children annually and help 90 more children annually with education issues.

Read agenda.

2 thoughts on “Children’s Trust staff recommends grants totaling $2.1 million

  1. The staff of the Escambia Children’s Trust are not recommending these be funded. They are recommending the unsolicited proposals be referred to the Program Committee of the Board for consideration. The Program Committee may then select one of three options: 1) recommend them to the full Board for a vote; 2) recommend that the Board consider issuing a formal competitive solicitation for the services being proposed; or 3) squash the proposal and make no recommendation for further consideration. The Trust is still working through policies and procedures as unsolicited requests are received. Thank you for allowing the opportunity to reply. – Tammy Greer, Executive Director, Escambia Children’s Trust

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