City attorney disputes City administrator email

Apparently all is not well in city hall:

From: Janet Matteson
Date: July 31, 2014 9:01:29 AM CDT
To: Colleen Castille , “‘'” , Ashton Hayward , Stephanie Tillery , Brian Spencer , Rusty Wells , Tamara Fountain , City Council
Subject: RE: Directive from City

Ms. Castille:
The subject e mail is inaccurate, unprofessional and disturbing in light of your public transmission of an apparent ethical violation without any consultation with this office.
1 I do not know Mr. Lindemann and I do not have any meeting scheduled with him. As you know, my office defends the City. It does not give advice to citizens on how to sue the City. In that regard, I am directing you to resolve any issues you have with Mr. Lindemann immediately. As a taxpayer, he has a right to a final resolution of his issue by you as the City Administrator; furthermore,
2 It is very disturbing to me that you would create a public record that passes on the statement that “the City Attorney directed her to sue the City.” That statement is false.
Neither myself nor anyone in my office would ever direct a citizen to sue the City. That is a serious ethical violation. I have never had a conversation with Ms. Mackey on any matter.
3 In the future, I would appreciate your closer attention to detail and staff coordination in order that these unfortunate events do not occur in the future and that the taxpayers who support us receive prompt, accurate information on whatever issues they bring to City Hall.
/s/ City Attorney

—–Original Message—–
From: Colleen Castille
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:31 PM
To: ‘Dan Lindemann’; Jim Messer
Cc: City Council; Ashton Hayward
Subject: RE: Directive from City

Dear Dan,

I understand you have a meeting with the City Attorney Jim Messer tomorrow morning. In lieu of letter, that will be my response.

Colleen M. Castille
City Administrator
City of Pensacola, Florida

—–Original Message—–
From: Dan Lindemann []
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:42 AM
To: Colleen Castille
Cc: City Council; Ashton Hayward
Subject: Directive from City

Colleen Castille,
Just spoke with Carol-Ann Mackey, owner of 28 N. Palafox St. She informed me that the City Attorney directed her to file a Law Suit against the City.
Does this apply to me as well? If so, please advise and process my request for a meeting with the City Attorney.
I would appreciate an answer today if that is at all possible.
Thank You
Dan Lindemann
