Rick's Blog

City celebrates Florida Bike Month in March

Mayor to Participate in Slow Ride Race Friday, March 10

The City of Pensacola is celebrating Florida Bike Month in March, a time to encourage bicycling and recognize its important role in providing transportation and recreation to city residents and visitors.

The city will kick off its celebration of Florida Bicycle Month with a slow ride race in front of City Hall on Friday, March 10 at 9 a.m. The public is invited to attend and enjoy watching Mayor D.C. Reeves and other participants see who can cross the finish line last in this fun, unorthodox race. Competitors include representatives from the Bluffline and Ciclovía.

Mayor D.C. Reeves will present an official proclamation at the Thursday, March 9 City Council meeting recognizing March as Florida Bicycle Month.

“Biking is not only a fun outdoor activity for families and people of all ages, but it also provides a great alternative form of transportation,” Mayor D.C. Reeves said. “Bicycles are a perfect way to inspire health and explore Pensacola, so we’re proud to recognize and celebrate Florida Bicycle Month. We encourage everyone to get outside, get on a bike and enjoy our beautiful city.”

To get your wheels turning for Florida Bike Month, check out Safe Riding Routes developed by Bike Pensacola and available on the City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation website. The city is also developing an Active Transportation Plan to envision meaningful multi-modal connections and identify infrastructure investment priorities to help improve walking and biking in our community.

Bicyclists and drivers should always follow good safety practices and stay alert when traveling.

“The city encourages all bicyclists to always be aware of their surroundings and follow the rules of the road,” City of Pensacola Transportation Planner Caitlin Cerame said. “Drivers should also watch for bicyclists and pass safely. Florida law requires that drivers allow a minimum of 3 feet between their vehicle and bicyclists when passing. Remember to share the road and demonstrate mutual respect for your fellow road users.”

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