Rick's Blog

City Department Head salaries – ranked

Thanks to a public records request by the daily:

City Mgr Tom Bonfield+bonus $156,800
City Atty John Fleming $125,435
Asst. City Mgr Robert Payne $120,161
Asst. City Mgr Alvin Coby $119,496
Asst. City Atty William Wells $117,187
Financial Services Dtr Richard Barker $117,124
Community Development Dtr Kevin Cowper $100,942
Police Chief John Mathis $100,214
Public Works Dtr Alfred Garza $98,592
Employee Services Dtr Mary Ann Stalcup $95,139
Parks and Recreation Dtr David Flaherty $95,000
Asst. City Atty Michael Godwin $90,105
Interim fire chief Mel Waters $78,499
Asst. Chief Chip Simmons $78,499
Asst. Dtr John Ewing III $78,332
Civil Service Dtr Sizanne Humphrey $77,396
Employee Services Asst. Dtr Sherrer Kuchera $72,363
City Clerk Ericka Burnett $61,256
Asst. City Clerk Robyn Tice $38,396

Total: $1,820,936

This doesn’t include enterprise accounts – Airport, Port, ESP, CRA, Sanitation, West FL Library. Also the daily didn’t include engineering. MIS or housing departments. Guess we’ll have to put a records request in, too.

While we’re at it, we will do the same for Escambia County. Might as well see how big the beast is….consolidation starts looking better every day.

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