Rick's Blog

City of Pensacola legal fees continue to climb, up 35-percent in two years

According to the quarterly, unaudited financial reports that CFO Dick Barker will present to the Pensacola City Council, the Hayward administration’s legal fees are up 24.5 percent over the first six months of the 2016-17 fiscal year when compared with the same period last year – 3/31/17: $651,629 vs 3/31/16: $523,234.  The legal expense are up nearly $167K ( 35.02 percent) over two years ago when Mayor Ashton Hayward began reporting his legal expenses to the city council. The public has no schedules of the city’s legal expenses for the first six months of 2011-2014.

3/31/15 3/31/16 3/31/17
Allen Norton & Blue  $24,649.82  $26,019.00  $46,377.39
Beggs & Lane  $74,557.55  $170,318.11  $157,919.30
Bryant Miller Olive  $7,139.55  $21,479.29  $37,800.00
GrayRobinson  $13,190.05  $73,917.95  $36,140.67
Wilson Harrell  $108,513.24  $39,179.24  $218,041.35
Other  $254,579.16  $192,321.05  $155,350.53
Total  $482,629.37  $523,234.64  $651,629.24 YTD
% increase 8.41% 24.54% 35.02%
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