City paid The Zimmerman Agency $430K, 84.9 percent of advertising bills


I’ve spent the past two days analyzing the paid The Zimmerman Agency invoices, which total $943,242.43 through Feb. 11.

The invoices were received through a public records request placed Tuesday, Feb. 5–the day after the daily newspaper reported that Mayor Ashton Hayward had terminated his three-year contract with the Tallahassee-based firm because he wasn’t getting the results he expected.

The invoices show that the city paid TZA $943,242.43 of which $506,545.95 was for web, advertising, design, printing and economic development research, $5831.80 for the firm’s travel and $864.68 for out-of-pocket expenses.

The balance – $430,000 -is the monthly fees paid to TZA for the City ($20K), Pensacola Energy ($8500), Port of Pensacola ($2500) and Airport ($8500). There is no supporting documentation attached to the invoices that shows what TZA did for the $430K.


Here is the breakdown:

Total Payments
Web  $16,001.00
Advertising  $447,930.67
Printing  $19,515.28
Design  $5,099.00
Research  $18,000.00
Total marketing  $506,545.95
TZA Fee  $430,000.00
Percentage 84.9%
Travel  $5,831.80
Out of Pocket  $864.68
Total  $943,242.43
Web  $10,626.00
Advertising  $340,504.81
Printing  $1,123.85
Design  $3,125.00
Total marketing  $355,379.66
TZA Fee  $102,000.00
Percentage 28.7%
Travel  $714.78
Total  $458,094.44
Web  $1,375.00
Advertising  $2,130.00
Printing  $787.20
Research  $18,000.00
Total marketing  $22,292.20
TZA Fee  $235,000.00
Percentage 1054.2%
Travel  $4,288.60
Out of Pocket  $864.68
Total  $262,445.48
Pensacola Energy
Web  $4,000.00
Advertising  $89,647.86
Printing  $17,068.49
Design  $474.00
TZA Fee  $68,000.00
Percentage 61.2%
Travel  $828.42
Total  $180,018.77
Port of Pensacola
Web  $-
Advertising  $15,648.00
Printing  $535.74
Design  $1,500.00
Total marketing  $17,683.74
TZA Fee  $25,000.00
Percentage 141.4%
Travel  $-
Total  $42,683.74