Rick's Blog

City Workshop Agenda Online

The agenda for the Wednesday, July 20 special workshop of the Pensacola City Council is now available online. According to the agenda, the meeting will last 55 95 minutes.

Discussion items:
1. Council Executive: 15 min.
2. Information Protocol: 20 min.
3. Hiring of the City Attorney and Council’s Decision Process: 20 min.
4. Charter, Rules & Procedures and Policies of Council: 20 min.
5. Council Policy & Charter Questions: 20 min.

The agenda packet is 277 pages and was only made available today to the public. I will share the highlights and save my commentary on these items until tomorrow morning.

Under Council Executive,

A) Verbal presentation and status report. Minimum Qualifications described are Bachelor’s degree in Business, public or municipal administration or related field; and three years of diversified experience in local government administration. No mention of salary.

B) Discuss supervision of council staff.

Under Information Protocol

A) Discuss need for additional information and develop detailed policy for one-time and standing requests of the Mayor’s Office. Council information requested handling and response times must be established in a policy if the council.

Included is Sec. 4.02 of the charter that talks about investigative powers of council.

B) City Attorney Briefing on the Council’s Powers & Duties per 2011 City of Pensacola Charter.

Appears to be seeking information on whether the Mayor has the power to reorganize city government.

C) Council enforcement of existing policies

Included are the City Council polices.

Under Hiring of City Attorney and Council’s Decision Process

A) Discussion of Council’s need and relationship with City Attorney.
Provided is a 54-page guide from the California League of Cities on Council & Counsel.


Charter, Rules & Procedures and Policies of Council

A) Update or Changes to existing language
states members of the Charter review commission have agreed to answer Charter questions and provide documentation as to the logic behind existing language.

B) Size of City Council.

Provides commentary from a model city charter from the National Civic League and has the entire model charter attached.


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