Rick's Blog

Clay Ford report on state house

Wrap-up Week 4

CS/HB 643 Unanimously Passes The House Legislation protecting homeowners from foreclosure fraud easily passed a full vote in the House Chamber Wednesday.House Bill (HB) 643, the Foreclosure Rescue Fraud Prevention Act was filed in response to the surge of mortgage fraud cases in Florida.

In 2007 alone there have been over 150,000 mortgage foreclosures in Florida. Florida ranks second in the nation behind California in number of foreclosures. With the number of foreclosures on the rise in recent years,criminals and scam artists have found a new market of consumers to defraud. By making false promises to homeowners to save them from foreclosures, these businesses are actually working on stealing their homes or most of the equity they have accumulated in their homes.

HB 643 changes the way foreclosure-rescue consultants do business by requiring a five-day period in which consumers can cancel a foreclosure-rescue contract. (A foreclosure-rescue consultant helps homeowners to stop, avoid or delay foreclosure proceedings.) It also requires that all contracts include notice of the cancellation period, the recommendation that homeowners contact their lender or mortgage service prior to the signing the agreement and that the consultant is prohibited from collecting payment until all services are completed. The bill seeks to increase the penalties from a third degree felony to a second degree felony for any acts of mortgage fraud that involve loan value greater than $100,000.

HB 503- “Preservation and Protection of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in
Motor Vehicles Act of 2008”

The Bill passed the House on Wednesday. It allows employees with concealed weapon permits to keep guns locked inside or locked to their cars. The bill applies to all public and private employer entities with certain exceptions. It provides an employer immunity from civil liability for the actions of those who may cause harm with a gun that was legally brought to the business.

Summary of the Bill
* Prohibits an employer from preventing an employee who has a license to carry a concealed firearm from keeping a legally possessed firearm locked inside his car in the parking lot while he is at work.
* Prohibits an employer from conditioning employment for current or prospective employees on :
* The fact that the employee or prospective employee has a concealed weapons permit, or
* Any agreement with the employee or prospective employee not to bring his lawfully possessed firearm to work and keep it locked in his car in the parking lot.
* Prohibits an employer from preventing an invitee from keeping a gun locked inside his car in the parking lot. Note: Customers and visitors are not required to have a concealed weapon permit to satisfy the provisions of the bill.
* Specifies that an employer is not civilly liable for its actions or inactions mad in compliance with the provisions of the bill.

HB 337 Management of Historic Pensacola Properties

Schools and Learning Council passed HB 337 on Tuesday setting the stage for the bill to go to the house floor. The bill provides for UWF to directly contract with Board of Trustees of Internal Improvement Trust Fund for management of certain state-owned properties in Pensacola. It also provides UWF eligibility for certain grants.

On Deck in Week 5
The House and Senate will release their recommendations for 08-09 fiscal year budget. The revenue estimates indicate that the state budget will have to be reduced by nearly $4 billion. The House leadership is using the guiding principle that we cannot spend money we do not have, when there is a decrease in income there must be a decrease in spending.

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