Clean Up Your Act

The Santa Rosa Clean Community System will participate in the nation-wide, Great American Clean-Up.

The beautifying begins on April 4 and April 5 at the Paint Your Heart Out event by the “One Love” group. The group is through area churches to come together and complete community projects in the first week of April.

On April 14, the Navarre community will meet at the Navarre Park on Highway 98 to clean the community from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event is sponsored by Waste Management.

Throughout the month of April, the focus of the Milton and Pace area will be clean-ups on the Riverbank House and Fireman’s Recycling Station at the corner of Stewart Street and Berryhill Road on April 21. Paint Your Heart Out and United Way are sponsors for the clean-ups.

If you’re interested in helping the clean-up efforts, contact the Clean Community System at 623-1930.
