Climate Lecture

Local environmental organizations Sustainable Gulf Coast and 350 Pensacola will host a lecture tonight entitled “Our Planet Has a Fever.” Here’s the press release:

What: “Our Planet Has a Fever” with Barbara Albrecht
Where: Bayview Senior Resource Center, Meeting Room 101, 2000 E. Lloyd St., Pensacola, FL 32503
When: Tuesday, March 12, 7-8:30  p.m.

Our climate has been changing slowly over time. Have you noticed our mild winters? Have you felt the heat waves of summer? Have you been caught in a ‘frog strangler’ in the form of a downpour? Only to be followed by drought for the next week? As humans unintentionally alter their environment, the changing climate is also altering conditions in our natural ecosystems and impacting water quality. Speaker Barbara Albrecht will address what these changes mean and what we can do to slow them down.

Albrecht is an ecotoxicologist working to develop a Regional Watershed Monitoring Program with the UWF Center for Environmental Diagnostics & Bioremediation (CEDB), which will assist large land managers and city and county planners by applying smart growth techniques to restore and protect water quality in area watersheds.

The presentation is the March offering in a series addressing environmental issues presented throughout the year by Sustainable Gulf Coast and 350 Pensacola. The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 850-687-9968 or email
