CMP candidates asks for 30-day extension

From CMPA Chairman Lacey Collier to the team leaders for the two finalist for Master Developer of the Vince Whibbs, Sr., Community Maritime Park:

Scott and Ken:

I understand that Land Capital Group has requested a 30 day extension of time to reply to the RFP for Master Developer for the Community Maritime Park and that Trinity Capital Advisors, although prepared to submit by the April 30th deadline, has agreed to the extension. I am granting that extension until Friday, May 30 and am informing the board by copy of this email. All other requirements of the RFP remain in effect and unchanged.

At the board meeting on May 9th, I will ask the board to ratify the extension and to select one of the following options:

1) Given the delay, they may wish to ask that you each present your responses in person on May 30th as you submit on the deadline day.

2) Submit your responses on May 30th by delivery and then appear at a regularly scheduled board meeting on June 13th for oral presentations.

Please indicate your agreement with this extension request by reply email and indicate your availability on the dates mentioned above. Thank you.

Very truly yours,
Lacey Collier, Chairman
