Rick's Blog

CMP developer responds

Scott Davison of Maritime Park Developers called in response to Judge Lacey Collier comments yesterday at the Pensacola City Council committee meeting and my subsequent blog post.

He categorically denied asking that the Maritime Museum site be moved. What he has asked for is flexibility in the UWF/Museum lease in regard to museum’s location.

Davison says it was not him who first brought up the issue of flexibility.

“It was a City Council member (I believe he is talking about Megan Pratt) who first asked why is there not some flexibility in the UWF lease. The CRA consultants – that were hired to review the CRA development plans – asked a number of questions like what would be the best use of the waterfront. The planners felt more alternatives should be explored.”

“Barry Abramson, the City Council’s consultant, said it doesn’t make sense not to have some flexibility. Owen Beitsch wrote in a memo to the CMPA board that the board needs to preserve flexibility.”

“What makes sense is for all of us – MPD, UWF and Pelicans – to get in a room with a disinterested third-party to work how the site plans can everbody’s goals and objectives.”

Davison such a meeting date hasn’t been set yet and that he was caught off guard by Dr. Judy Bense’s letter and Judge Collier’s comments.

“There are those who want to portray this (the request for flexibility with the site plans) as a land grab. Nothing could be further from the truth. We fully expect the Maritime Museum to be the focal point of the entire project.”

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