Rick's Blog

CMPA sets timeline for Master Developer contract

At today’s Board meeting, the Trustees approved the following timeline for the consideration of the Master Developer Agreement:

12/1/08 – 1 p.m. Special CMPA meeting. Draft Agreement with Master Developer received from Dr. Beitsch and released to public. Draft forwarded to City for review and comment.

12/12/08 – Regular CMPA meeting. Public Hearing on draft agreement

1/2/09 – Final Agreement forwarded to CMPA Board and City

1/9/09 – Regular CMPA Meeting. Vote on final agreement. If approved, forwarded to City Council for approval.

1/20/09 – City Council Committee meetings

1/22/09 – City Council Meeting

Also, please note, that the Board has removed the restriction prohibiting communication between the Master Developer and Board members, effective 12/1/08.

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