From Ed Spears:
12/28/07: Deadline for comments on the RFP
1/10/08, Morning: Owen Beitsch meetings with Design Criteria Team, UWF, Studer Group, Pelicans, GCAACC representatives, City officials
1/10/08, Afternoon: Owen Beitsch available for meetings with CMPA Trustees (Trustees, please contact Ed Spears with requested time, if interested. Meetings will be in ½ hour increments from 1-5 (if necessary))
1/11/08, 1 p.m.: CMPA Board of Trustees meeting to discuss RFP
1/29/08: Deadline for final draft from Dr. Beitsch
2/1/08, 1 p.m.: Special CMPA Board of Trustees meeting to issue RFP.