CMPA votes to build a ‘permanent solution’ to rickety fence

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The Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees voted to replace the left field that is being held up by 2×4’s with a permanent fence.

The cost to build the new fence, which will move increase the outfield by approximately 17 feet, and also construct enclosed pads for the park’s dumpsters is $71,725.

Maritime Place will contribute $2,500 for one of the pads. The city of Pensacola will contribute $6,500; and the balance will be loaned by the University of West Florida and CMPA reserves. Rent from the UWF football will go to reimburse the reserves and UWF.

Mayor Ashton Hayward came to show his support for the solution, as did UWF VP Dr. Brendan Kelly.

The CMPA board approved the solution – “something to three” according to Chairman Jim Reeves. Fred Gunther, Dr. Jimmy Jones and Justin Spence voted against the motion.
