Coby responds to Mayor Wiggins request

City Manager Al Coby yesterday sent a memo to Mayor Mike Wiggins and City Council in which he says that it would be premature for the City to assume development of the Community Maritime Park. He is very supportive of the new CMPA chairman, Eddie Todd, who, Coby believes, is “making a significant effort to gain control of the project and move it forward expeditiously.”

Coby states that Friday’s CMPA meeting is “a critical step in making decisions on the improvements to be funded from City bond proceeds and what might be funded with tax credits.” He believes changing course would cause further delays and jeopardize the tax credits. He doesn’t see park becoming a City Public Works Project isn’t the only course of action available to the City and CMPA and may not be the best alternative to securing the New Market Tax Credits.

Read Coby’s memo and Wiggins’ letter: A1
