Cole talks to NWFL Daily News. Yep, it’s the land deals

Looks like our buzz item on the Cole’s sale of a portion of his property to the offspring of a county vendor has some legs. Tom McLaughlin of the Northwest Florida Daily News (Ft. Walton Beach) talked with Santa Rosa County Commissioner Bob Cole, whose business and home were raided by the FBI and IRS on Wednesday.

Cole confirmed that agents asked specifically about his sale of land to a business known as Beannacht Properties LLC,which is owned by the daughter and son-in-law of John Roche. Roche is the owner of Lifeguard Ambulance Services that handles Santa Rosa County’s rural ambulance services.

He also said they asked him about the land purchase involving the Blackwater State Prison. Read more.

Note: If you have a friend who only reads the News Journal, you might want to fill them in on what’s really happening. The daily dropped this story two days ago.
