College warns students about date rape

The University of West Florida Police Department received a report of a sexual assault, possibly a date rape, which occurred in the early morning hours Dec. 4, 2012 in a Residence Hall. The university has issued the following warning:

To protect yourself, do not leave drinks unattended and be wary of accepting drinks from people you do not know well. Make sure that you open and pour your own drink and don’t share drinks with others. It is also wise to use the buddy system while socializing – when you go out with friends, agree to keep an eye on one another and to go home together. If a friend starts to exhibit symptoms of date rape drug ingestion, seek medical help immediately. Signs to look for include: dizziness and/or nausea, memory loss, breathing or motion difficulties, and acting disproportionately intoxicated relative to the amount of alcohol consumed. The University of West Florida Police Department received a report of a sexual assault which occurred in the early morning hours December 4, 2012 in a Residence Hall. The circumstances of this assault suggest the involvement of date rape drugs.
