Commissioner Grover C. Robinson, 4.0 Elected as 2nd Vice President of Florida Association of Counties at Annual Conference

(Press Release) Commissioner Grover C. Robinson, IV was elected as the 2nd Vice President of the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Executive Committee at the FAC annual conference last week.

 For over 80 years, FAC has represented the diverse interests of Florida’s counties, emphasizing the importance of protecting home rule – the concept that government closest to the people governs best. The Florida Association of Counties helps counties effectively serve and represent Floridians by strengthening and preserving county home rule through advocacy, education and collaboration.

 “I’m extremely honored and humbled to be elected by my colleagues from around the state to serve in a position of leadership. I look forward to serving on the Executive Committee over the next couple of years,” said Commissioner Robinson.

 The 2nd Vice President of the FAC sits on the Association’s Executive Committee. The five positions on the Executive Committee are one-year terms; however, once candidates are elected to 2nd Vice President, they typically run unopposed for the next ranking position on the Committee.

 Among other duties, members of the Executive Committee oversee the administration of and provide policy guidance to the FAC Executive Director; adopt policies regarding the operation of the association and the conduct of association affairs; and recommend an annual budget to the Board of Directors.