Commissioner White Applied for County Job

The Escambia County Commission tomorrow will be considering the contract of County Administrator Randy Oliver. Following the administrator’s public evaluation, commissioners may take a termination vote.

Commissioner Kevin White—who slated, and then pulled, an agenda item regarding the administrator’s contract earlier this fall—requested the termination-vote option at the commission’s last meeting. A persistent murmur in the community has speculated that White’s interest in Oliver’s contract could be connected to the outgoing commissioner’s bid for employment within county administration or with the Santa Rosa Island Authority.

Through an information request, the IN has learned that White did apply for a job with the county. According to the Human Resources department, the commissioner applied on Sept. 18 for the Senior Building Code Enforcement Official position.

White did not, however, apply for a position with the SRIA. There was speculation that the commissioner was eyeing Executive Director Buck Lee’s job. Until recently, Lee was running for the supervisor of elections spot with Santa Rosa County, which meant he could soon be leaving the SRIA.

“My position was never open so no one ever applied for it,” Lee said this morning. “Unless you know something we don’t know.”

The executive director said that White had also not applied for any other positions with the SRIA. He said there were no positions open with the authority.

Commissioner White was not immediately available for comment on this matter.

The county commission meets tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. at the downtown governmental complex. The board will hold its work session at 9 a.m., with a public forum at 4:30 p.m.
