Rick's Blog

Commissioners refuse to extend deadline on OLF-8 deal


Last night, the Escambia County Commission engaged in a lengthy discussion about how to proceed with negotiations for the sale of the OLF-8 property, ultimately voting to honor their original 30-day negotiation period with Beulah Town Center, LLC, while leaving the door open for other potential buyers.


Commissioner Steven Barry initiated the discussion by noting that the county had received a new offer from another interested party earlier that day. He suggested having county staff review proposals from any interested developers, including Beulah Town Center and potential offers from Jim Wilson Associates or Tri W.

“I don’t see the harm in asking them to put a little bit of staff time into identifying what the issues may be,” Barry said, emphasizing this wouldn’t affect ongoing negotiations with Beulah Town Center.

Commissioner Mike Kohler expressed concern about deviating from the board’s previous commitment to a 30-day exclusive negotiation period with Beulah Town Center, which ends February 9. “I just don’t like to go back on my word,” Kohler said.

Will Dunaway, attorney for Beulah Town Center, clarified that his client is awaiting a redlined version of their purchase agreement from county staff. He noted that Beulah Town Center has submitted two purchase agreements during the negotiation period and is ready to continue discussions once they receive feedback.

Commissioner Steve Stroberger opposed entertaining other offers at this time, warning it could hinder progress with Beulah Town Center. “This is the definition of gridlock,” Stroberger said. “We have something here that we can be voting on.”


After considerable debate, Commissioner Ashlee Hofberger made a motion to complete the initial 30-day negotiation period with Beulah Town Center and then proceed to consider any other offers that come in, with staff briefing the commission on those proposals at future meetings. The motion passed 4-1.

The discussion highlighted ongoing tensions over the development of the former naval training field, with commissioners balancing their commitment to the current negotiating partner against their desire to secure the best possible outcome for the property’s development. The deadline for Beulah Town Center is Feb. 9.

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