Commissioners sworned

Escambia County Commissioners Gene Valentino and Grover Robinson, IV were sworn in this morning in BCC chambers packed with elected officials, county employees and citizens. Judge John Simon swore in Valentino, Judge Bill Stafford handled Robinson.

In his speech after the ceremony, Valentino called his re-election a mandate from the voters. He praised his precinct system and his “Coffee with the Commissioners” for keeping his office transparent. He promised to continue working for the voters.

Robinson pointed to many capital improvements in his district – which includes Pensacola Beach. He thanked the staff for working so hard during the BP crisis, a quoting Winston Churchill, “Never have so many been served by so few.”

As per BCC policy for the rotating the chair, the board chairmanship was passed to District 5 Kevin White, District 1 Wilson Robertson is the vice chair.
