Comparative analysis of Juvenile Justice stats

There are two other medium-size school districts that have high referrals rates to the Department of Juvenile Justice–St. Lucie and Marion. I wanted to see how they handled the School Environmental Safety Incident Report (SESIR). Like Santa Rosa County, St. Lucie and Marion have fewer school-related referrals to DJJ than the total number of the more serious SESIR incidents (battery, weapons, sex offenses, drugs, etc.).

Escambia St. Lucie Marion
Middle & High students 20,691 20,633 22,218
Total SESIR Incidents 895 1,949 899
Percent reported to law 32% 53% 89%
More serious SESIR incidents 232 1,787 605
Percent of more serious reported to law 38% 74% 100%
School-related referrals to DJJ 564 615 546
Referrals per 1,000 students 27 30 25
Referrals per more serious SESIR incident 243% 34% 90%


